Monitor Emissions - Nitrogen / Instrument Air / ANY Gas Leak Detection


Monitor Emissions can detect leaks of ANY gas (Nitrogen, Air, Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc.) utilizing our two forms of Portable Ultrasound, Airborne Ultrasound and Acoustic Ultrasound Cameras. It’s commonly thought that the FLIR Gas Cameras can detect Nitrogen Leaks but they can only detect hydrocarbon leaks, so for Plant Start-Ups / Turn-Arounds we have our incredibly sensitive Ultrasound Equipment on hand.

Our Ultrasound Gear can detect a leak up to 300ft (91m) away audibly through a headset, captured as a rushing sound with decibels readings displayed and recorded. This assists our technicians to determine the leak source and its severity. Upon finding the leak source our Ultrasonic Acoustic Camera allows the user to “See the Ultrasound” and can pinpoint leaks as small as 0.016I /min, while showing you a real time picture. This allows us to visualize the exact leak location, calculate emission quantities, and calculate lost revenue dollar figures of wasted energy losses.

Ultrasonic Leak Detection Equipment operates by “hearing” the turbulent flow of any gas passing through an orifice. The typical human ear can hear in the range between between 20Hz to 20,000Hz (20kHz) . Our Ultrasound Devices detect sound in the 20,000Hz to 100,000Hz range and heterodyne this signal to human audible range.

If ambient noise becomes a concern, our technicians can frequency tune the Ultrasound Device to narrow the instrument's reception field and shield it from conflicting ultrasound interference. Clients are regularly surprised at the speed and efficiency of our leak detection surveys as they typically span as long as it takes to walk around a facility and tag / record found issues.